Marriage ServitudeAll through, I had known that my wife cooks very soft and nice chapatis. I even like her arrangement. Her chapatis are really great. One day, I found my younger son struggling with a piece. I did not understand because the piece I was eating was soft and easy. So I picked his piece and gave him mine. True to my prediction, the chapati was hard. I picked another and it was soft, and another and it was still soft. I asked him; "Joe, where have you got this chapati?" He pointed towards the kitchen. What I found my wife doing amazed me. She was picking every chapati that she had just prepared and testing it for softness and placing them accordingly. The soft ones would definitely go to us and the hard ones she would take herself. Let's make a choice of selflessly making someone's life bearable and better. Putting others first before our needs is a mark of true leadership and sacrifice. As I always learn a thing or two about life, she has taught me the meaning of marriage servitude. |
This blog post was published on 14 Sep 2020 in Inspiration category. Access all the posts at Blog |